7 HR Management Basics Every HR Professional Should Know

Employees are the backbone of a company’s success, and their performance can greatly impact a business. As an HR professional, you play a vital role in determining the success of your company. Effective Human Resource Management is crucial for companies of all sizes, and in this article, we will cover the basics of HR Management.

Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and selection is one of the most visible tasks of HR. Finding and selecting the best candidates for the company is a crucial responsibility of HR. Employees are the lifeblood of an organization, and finding the right fit is essential.

Performance Management

Performance management becomes important after employees are hired. It includes helping employees reach their full potential and increasing the profitability of the company. Typically, employees have specific responsibilities, and performance management is a framework for providing feedback and enabling them to achieve their best performance.

Learning and Development

Learning and development within HR enables employees to adapt to changes in technology and processes. It helps employees acquire new skills and improve their existing ones. L&D is led by HR and well-designed policies can greatly aid in achieving the company’s long-term goals.

Succession Planning

Succession planning is the process of planning for key employees’ departures. For example, if a senior executive leaves their position, having a replacement ready can ensure continuity and reduce costs. Succession planning is often based on performance ratings and L&D efforts, resulting in a talent pipeline. Building and nurturing this talent pipeline is crucial for effective employee management.

Salary and Benefits

Salary and benefits are also fundamental to HR. Fair compensation is essential for motivating and retaining employees. One of the key principles of HR related to wages is providing equity and justice. Making the right pay offer is vital for attracting top talent, while also balancing the company’s budget and profit margins. HR should monitor wage increases and set necessary standards.

Human Resources Information System

Two tools that can aid in improving HR are the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) and HR data and analytics. An HRIS supports all the fundamental aspects of HR, such as recruitment and selection, and performance management. In recent years, HR departments have become more data-driven, and using data and analytics can help make better, more informed decisions. This can be done through HR metrics and KPIs, which are specific metrics used to measure the company’s performance in a particular area.


With Pratik Human Resources, a manager recruitment agency in Turkey, you will reach the right candidate for your company in a short time. If you are looking for a candidate, contact us now!