Employee Burnout Statistics for 2022

Burnout is a recognized medical condition that affects 77% of workers. This means that 7 out of 10 coworkers experience or will experience burnout.


Also, burnout is not just about people. This can also relate to companies because burnt-out employees can become more disinterested and look for different companies.


To help you tackle this workplace challenge, as a recruitment agency in Turkey, we’ve decided to bring together the most up-to-date and valuable employee burnout statistics from 24 independent sources!


Employee Burnout Statistics


– Burnout affects around 70% of workers.

– The accommodation sector has the highest burnout rate with 80%.

– Millennials are the most extinct, with 59% experiencing some signs of burnout.

– Generation Z is dying out faster than any other generation: in just one year, its rate has increased from 47% to 58%.

– Exhausted employees are more than 50% likely to seek a new job.

– 36% of employees say their organization does nothing to prevent burnout.

– Money does not cure burnout: There is only a 6% difference in burnout rates between employees who earn $100,000 and $30,000.

– Flexibility can reduce burnout by 50%.

– Leadership assistance can reduce burnout by over 30%.

– Ethical leadership can help prevent burnout.

– There is a strong 0.5% relationship between burnout, depression, and anxiety.

– 62% of all employees feel mentally and physically exhausted after work (emotional exhaustion).

– Nine out of 10 employees admit that stress or frustration can affect their quality of work (decreased personal achievement).

– 43% of employees become less involved with the company over time, and 27% see no meaning in their work.

– Burnout negatively affects 83% of employees’ relationships.

– More than 60% of people who are passionate about their work have experienced burnout.

– Millennials (59%) are most prone to burnout. In contrast, Baby Boomers (31%) are the group least likely to experience it.

– While only 53% of millennials felt exhausted in 2020, that number rose to 59% in 2021.

– Employee burnout rate is over 50% in 25 out of 30 companies.

– Only 15% of organizations have a burnout level below 50%.

– A quarter of employees experience burnout at work very often or all the time.

– Almost 50% of employees sometimes experience burnout.

– In 2022, 7 out of 10 employees feel burnt out.

– 60% of employees experiencing burnout are more likely to take a day off.

– 60% of employees experiencing burnout feel physically and emotionally exhausted after work.

– Only 21% of employees can talk openly with HR about burnout.

– Managers have the highest influence in preventing and coping with burnout among employees.

– Only 20% of employees say they are managed in a way that motivates them to do a better job.